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Really! It's considered a compliment in their culture!


(Monday. INT: Big Heart Animal Rescue)

MH (bringing cage out): Meet Pinball.
JH: Oh my God! Is that a-?
MH: Pinball is an Algerian Champagne hedgehog, two years old, in perfect health, doesn't need any shots, and she's already been spayed.
MH: She's litter trained, has barely any odour, eats normal dry cat food, and she's very friendly. She may shed a spine in the carpet VERY rarely, but they're pretty easy to see and pick up.
EB (reaching out to touch Pinball): Well, I suppose as long as it can stay-
(Pinball instantly curls up.)
(Pinball remains curled up.)
MH: Would you believe me if I told you that that's a good sign?