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Again, to reiterate, I am well aware that typical chef's garments do not have coloured buttons and cuffs. I am also aware that they generally wear those pants with the really tiny black and white checkered pattern. The chefs at the Capsaicin Lounge don't.


(Monday. INT: kitchen at Capsaicin Lounge)

TM: Yo, Halligan. Table six sent their steak back, she says it's pink in the middle.
JH: Of course it's pink in the middle. It's medium rare, that's what medium rare is.
TM: Yeah, well, she's under the impression that pink equals uncooked and uncooked equals E. Coli. Just toss it back on the grill for a few seconds.
JH (lifting a shredded mess with a fork): I can't regrill this! It's been cut to ribbons! The best I could do with it is a beef stir fry.
TM: Well, just start a new one, then.
JH: Cooking a steak from raw to well done - which is what she wants, by the way, is well done - would take twenty minutes. Is she aware of this?
TM: Well, considering that she expected me to apologize for the fact that her T-bone steak still had the bone in it, I'm gonna say no she's not.
JH: Screw it. Somebody get me a wok!