(Monday. INT: EB and JH's apartment)
Pinball: pfft! pfft!
EB: What do you want? You need water? You need food? Can you not get to your litter box?
Pinball: pfft! pfft! pfft!
EB: No, no, you've already used the litter box, so I know you're good there. I'm not the one that scoops that, by the way, you can get used to that right now.
Pinball: pfft! pfft! pfft!
EB: Do you miss Jamie? He'll be home in about four hours. You're going to have to wait.
Pinball: pfft! pfft! pfft! pfft! pfft!
EB: Do you want to be thrown out of a third story window? Because I can help you with that one.