(Thursday. INT: EB's apartment, on the couch)
EB: Alright, alright, don't get too excited. There is one ground rule I have to lay down before we go any further.
JH: I am open to any and all ground rules.
EB: There was a reason that I originally specified I wanted a female roommate. I lived with a guy my senior year of college, it fermented into a romance, said romance went sour, drama exploded everywhere, and it turned into the reason I dropped out.
JH: So, if I may jump ahead, regardless of either of our emotional situations, I am not permitted to engage you in flirtatious or romantic interaction.
EB: Precisely. For all practical intents and purposes, as far as you are concerned, I am a nun. An unattractive nun.
JH: Well, at the risk of bruising your ego, I think I can state with confidence that I'm more than capable of keeping my remaining hand to myself.
JH: Really, when you think about it, it's just an extension of the no raping thing. You're just pre-emptively rescinding any and all consent. I can live with that.
EB: Well, I'm not just talking about sex, mind you.
JH: Alright, I'll extend it to a promise not to molest or sexually harass you. Which is too bad, really, I do enjoy a good harass.