(Tuesday. INT: EB and JH's apartment)
TH: Well, not that this isn't fascinating, but we really should get back to bed.
MH: Yeah. Grab me a box to put the body in, I'll run her through our incinerator at the shelter tomorrow.
EB: Thanks.
TH (on his way out): Hey. Trent Howard, by the way.
JH: Jamie Halligan.
TH: Wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you.
JH: Don't sweat it.
JH: So I guess you're probably going to be up for a while yet doing the boyfriend thing, huh?
TH: More than you know, my friend. Some girls drown their sorrows in Haagen-Dasz, Max drowns hers in... other activities.
JH: Forgive me for saying so, but in my admittedly limited experience, that seems cogitatively off-spec for a human female.
TH (shrugs): Eh, probably so, but I ain't complaining.