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I can envision it. Cherry wood paneling, brass filigree, superfluous pressure gauges and dials, and one bubbling tube, backlit in green, with two pickled gonads in it. Steampunk is awesome.


(Tuesday. INT: EB and JH's apartment, EB and JH are eating)

JH: So it wasn't awkward?
EB: Nope, she seemed chipper as always, as though last night never happened. Like I said, she always bounces back.
JH: Good to know.
EB: Gotta say, I like the post-workout omelette thing we've got going on. I wouldn't mind making this a regular thing.
JH: Glad you like it. I went a little experimental this time, with the chutney.
EB: It works.
JH (clearing plates away): Of course, you realize, that if we keep to the pattern, Max and I are going to show up at YOUR workplace today.
EB: Ugh, please don't.
JH: What, you're worried that I'll impulse buy some RAM and sit on it?
EB: No, I'm worried that if you show up with nothing better to do than bother me, Lily's going to incorporate your embalmed testicles into a steampunk casemod.