(Thursday. INT: JH's room, EB is on the phone)
(JH walking by in the background)
EB: Hey, Nicole. Just moving in the new roommate now, and I had a question. Did you take your bed?
EB: Your bed. When you moved out, did you take your bed?
EB: Well, yes, I know it's your bed, that's fine, I'm just wondering why. Aren't you sleeping with John now?
EB: What do you need two beds for, one for sleeping and one for sex?
EB: You pushed them together? Two twin mattresses into one bed? Why would you do that?
JH (walking by in the background, still unpacking): I'm pretty sure that makes it a quadruplet.
EB: No, I really don't think the United Nations will recognize the Land of Nod as an independent state, I don't care how many pillows you have.