(Saturday, INT: police interrogation room)
unnamed policeman: You were picked up with a gun in your hand, standing over a minor with severe head injuries. There are those who'd call that open and shut.
JH: That was self defense! I self defensed! I was the one who called you guys!
unnamed policeman: The call came from your victim's cellphone.
JH: Yeah, but I was the one using it! Don't you have a recording of the call?
unnamed policeman: That's not my department.
JH: Look, the gun isn't mine!
unnamed policeman: That's a coincidence. It isn't his, either, and yours are the only prints on it.
JH: I have burns on my hands from grabbing it after it was fired! At me!
unnamed policeman: You declined medical treatment.
JH: Yeah, because I thought I could just go home and put some bandages on them! I've been sitting here dripping for three hours!
unnamed policeman (pointing dispassionately at the blood pool with a pen): You are planning on cleaning that up, right?