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Ellen has little patience for what James Randi might call "woo-woo". I think, however, that The Amazing Randi might be a little disappointed in her attitude towards what is, at this point, a bona fide experiment.


(Sunday afternoon, INT: EB and JH's apartment)

NP (looking at MH): Turquoise with yellow spots, just like always.
JH: Okay, so I didn't poke out your third eye or anything.
MH: Yeah, Jamie just doesn't have a soul, apparently.
JH: I'm fairly certain I still have a soul. Maybe it's a Christian thing, maybe having been saved does something to it.
NP: No, Gina's a megaBaptist, and I can still get a read on her.
EB: Okay, guys, seriously, can we please stop screwing around with Nicole's afterimages and focus on some actual imaginary magical powers?
JH: Well, now, hang on, I'm starting to get concerned now, or at least more interested. Can we get a second opinion?
NP: Well, like I said, it's not a super power. I could teach any of you, but it'd take practice. For something like this, what we'd need is an expert.
MH: To the Filthy Hippie!