(Sunday afternoon, INT: EB and JH's apartment)
JH: So does Max take a lot of drugs?
EB: Mm? Why do you ask?
JH: Well, she seems to be pretty philosophically consistent as a hedonist. I would assume that narcotics go along with that. The vegan ones, anyway.
EB: As opposed to all those meat-based drugs?
JH: Indeed.
EB: Well, I know she's done weed and peyote. More than that... I am not my sister's bloodstream's keeper. I'm confident she doesn't have a problem, I'll put it that way.
JH: Yeah, I'm sure that if she was destroying her life, you'd be first in line for the intervention.
JH (looking at Ellen's dice): ...Speaking of which, exactly how much money would you say you spend every month on coloured pieces of plastic?
EB: Hey, plenty of gamers keep their dice in a tacklebox. It's practical!