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It would appear that a number of people have not been handling this very well.


(Monday morning, INT: office)

LD: First rule of... hell, first rule of anything, Jamie. Never sign something without reading it.
JH: It was three in the morning, I had just finished a shift at work, and I'd been shot.
LD: Still.
LD: And the statement you gave...
JH: I gave a statement?
LD: You're gonna tell me you accidentally gave a statement?
JH: No, I'm gonna tell you they stuck me in a waiting room for three hours, then told me I was under arrest, took five grand in bail, and told me to show up here Monday morning.
LD: Hmm... that would explain a lot, actually. I've seen this before - somebody somewhere skipped a bunch of steps and then backfilled the paperwork to cover their butts.
JH: So... that's good, right? This is where I get off on a technicality?
LD: Well, what you get off on is none of my business, but it does help our case, yes.
JH: Ooh, dirty lawyer joke. I feel privileged.