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"Nubian" is a funny word.

I'm sorry, but it is.


(Monday evening, INT: Capsaicin Lounge kitchen)

JH: It's not perjury! Just show up at a courtroom Friday, tell them I'm a good worker, I don't have a drug problem, I don't harass my black co-workers, you're not aware of any history of violence. Character witness stuff.
GO: Friday? Are you nuts? You know how busy we are on Fridays.
JH: Friday morning! It'll take an hour, maybe two hours tops!
GO: Little thing called prep work, Halligan.
JH: Your testimony could be the thing that keeps me out of jail!
GO: When I first hired you, what was my one big rule?
JH: You don't give a shit about my drama, as long as I don't bring it to work.
GO: Exactly. When you got in that "car accident" and came to work for a week with one hand, I didn't say shit about it, even when that wrist of yours healed faster than any broken bone I've ever seen.
GO: And now you're running around pistol whipping Nubians, and you expect me to help you deal with the consequences? As far as I'm concerned, that is strike two. You are on thin ice, Halligan. Comprende?
JH: So I take it now's a bad time to ask for extra hours?