(Tuesday morning, INT: MH's apartment, kitty room)
ringtone: When the pimp's in the crib, ma, cram a scorpion-
MH (pulling phone out of litterbox): Ha! Got it. It was buried in one of the litter boxes.
EB: I didn't know cats did that.
MH: They don't. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was refilling them.
MH (checking phone): Ooh, and as I suspected, my little dinglybop app is informing me that it's magic pill o'clock, if you'll excuse me.
JH (Ellen stomping his foot): So wait, Max, I'm curious. Are you aware that the pill isn't AH!
MH (offpanel): What was that?
JH: I said, you're aware that the pill isn't AGH! The pill isn't HNK!
JH: Ellen, you uh... you're stepping on my foot, there.
EB: Oh, that's impossible, Jamie. I only step on the feet of stupid people who don't take hints.