(Tuesday morning, INT: MH's apartment)
JH: So you're not actually on the pill?
MH: No, the magic pill I am on is not the Pill pill.
JH: Don't you worry about getting pregnant at all? I mean, condoms are effective, but even when used properly, they do have a failure rate.
MH: Nah. I got my ass spayed a while back.
EB: Wait, by "spayed", you mean...
MH: ...yeah, I mean "tubes tied". Apparently "menstruation is for chumps and yes I'm sure" isn't a good enough reason to prescribe a full hysterectomy.
EB: Even so, it's a rather radical step.
MH: Well, I kept telling people to do it to their cats, and I didn't want to be a hypocrite.
JH: Consistency is, apparently, everything.