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Check out panel four, there. I think I have a new favourite Jamie face.


(Wednesday, INT: liquor store, at the checkout)

unnamed clerk: It's fine, I'm not kicking anybody out of anywhere.
MH: Yeah, Ellen, it's fine. We're just talking about tits. Everybody loves tits.
EB: Could you maybe say that a little louder? I don't think the guy picking out a Riesling at the back of the store heard you.
EB (interrupting): That was a joke, I was clearly joking.
unnamed clerk (scanning bottles): Maybe I should be offering you guys a discount if she flashes me. I might get so distracted that I forget to scan one of these bottles.
EB: I - wh- that's highly inappropriate! Is your manager here?
unnamed clerk (backpedalling furiously): Wh- I just- I mean...
JH: Lay off the guy, Ellen. Max started it.
MH: It's true, I did. And, as I'm the one paying for the booze, I can finish it if I want.
EB: We. Are. In. Public.
MH: They. Are. My. Tits.
JH: So should I go wait in the car, or- ?