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Unnamed liquor store clerk will hang on to Max's phone number for a few weeks, never get up the courage to call her, and eventually lose the receipt. He will not be appearing in this strip again.


(Wednesday, INT: liquor store, at the checkout)

MH: I'm not offering to suck the guy off, Ellen, I'm just gonna let him get a peek at the goodies as supplemental age verification.
EB: You are going to get us fucking arrested.
JH: I think I should go wait in the car.
MH: Who's going to call the cops, Ellen? You? Him? Riesling guy?
EB: I can't believe I'm even having this conversation with you. Were you raised by chimpanzees?
JH: I'm just - I'm gonna be in the car.
EB: Jamie, stay here. Max, keep your shirt on and pay full price for the alcohol. Cashier, quit being a perv and ring us up.
unnamed clerk: I have a name.
EB: Nobody cares.
MH: Fine, but you can't stop me from giving him my phone number on the receipt.
EB: Fine.
JH: Sorry about all the weirdness.
unnamed clerk: You kidding me? I work in a liquor store. You guys aren't even in my top ten today.