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Ladies and gentlemen, Ellen Boorsen in a nutshell.


(Wednesday, INT: EB and JH's apartment)

EB: Why would you even ask that question, when you already know the answer?
MH: Jamie hadn't heard this story yet. Besides, you might have gotten a new most embarrassing moment since, I wanted to check.
JH: Forgive my masculine ignorance, but aren't there... like... warning cramps or something?
EB: I chalked it up to spelling bee nervousness. Besides, my older sister hadn't gotten hers yet, and this was the time when my Mom was starting chemo, so she and Dad were kinda preoccupied.
MH: It was the perfect storm of preteen social trauma. White denim skirt. Competing against a guy she liked. A local news crew was on the scene. One of the words they gave her was actually "UTERINE".
EB: Would you like to tell the story? Do I even need to be here for this?
MH: On the upside, though, she did win the spelling bee.
EB: Well, yeah, motherfuckers kept pitching me easy words like "UTERINE", you're goddamn right I'm not getting off the stage.