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For those of you who don't know your behavioural psychology, the pyramid Max is referencing here is Maslow's hierarchy of needs, not the food pyramid.


(Saturday morning, INT: MH's apartment)

JH: Why do you want Ellen and me to get together? Clearly, there must be better potential suitors for her out there.
MH: Oh, there definitely are. But you're living with her. She can't avoid you.
JH: I assure you, she can, if she wants to. Is our compatibility merely a matter of logistical convenience, then?
MH: It's a matter of Ellen not seriously dating anybody in at least three years, and, because she's a big ol' prude, that means she hasn't been getting laid all this time.
JH: Has anyone ever told you you have a one-track mind?
MH: Hey, she's my friend, and I want her to be happy. She's already got a good job, she eats, she's got a roof over her head, she's safe, she's healthy, she's got self-esteem, got friends, entertainment, a creative outlet... gettin' fucked is the only slot on the pyramid left to fill.
JH: So you want me to fill her slot, huh?
MH: Nicely innuendoed.
JH: Thank you.