(Wednesday, INT: Big Heart Animal Rescue)
AH: Regardless of the outcome, your brother would have gone and fought for his country, Maxine. The mere fact that he was willing at all to join up and make that sacrifice earns him a place in the ranks of our nation's heroes!
MH: He didn't have to join the military and die to be a hero! He was my big brother! He was already my hero!
MH: And I loved Mark - I still love him - and I want to celebrate and remember him, not the anniversary of the big stupid accident that killed him!
MH: That's why I celebrate his birthday, not his deathday! Every year, on his birthday, I give him a present - I make a donation to a veteran's group in his name.
MH: Because respect doesn't matter, Dad. Respect is nothing, respect is bullshit. Time and work and dollars and cents matter. There are real, living veterans on the street, and the Hellenberger family standing in the general proximity of some mulch that isn't Mark any more so we can feel sad for ourselves doesn't put food in their stomachs and a roof over their heads!
AH: I... I didn't know you did that.
MH: Yeah, because I didn't tell you! Because - and this may come as a surprise to you - but you are not the central figure in my relationship with my brother!