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There. Told you I'd give you the rules.


(Wednesday evening, INT: WW and SW's place)

WW: ...and that's a hundred points! I do believe I win!
JH: I believe you do as well, sir.
WW: I like this. Piña Colada Panic is a great game!
SW: Yeah, shame you can't sell it.
JH: Why not?
SW: Well, you've got a deck of Pineapple, Coconut, Rum, and Ice cards, all of which are numbered from one to thirteen, right?
JH: Right.
SW: And four times thirteen is fifty-two, so there's fifty-two cards in total, right?
JH: Right.
SW: And did it not occur to you that you could swap those drink ingredients with hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades, and you'd have a standard deck of playing cards?
JH: Uh... no. No, that did not occur to me.
SW: Also, you can't sell it because you seem to have somehow independently invented Gin Rummy.
JH: Oh.
WW: I thought this felt familiar...