(Thursday morning, INT: EB and JH's apartment)
EB: Okay. Hang on. Back up. We're having a he-said-she-said moment here, and it is bullshit.
JH: Agreed. How do we resolve this? Is there a male-to-female dictionary we can use?
EB: Alright, well, imagine there's an invisible marriage counselor here. What would he tell us to do right now?
JH: Uh... be married?
EB: Other than that.
JH: Roleplay as each other?
EB: Okay, good. Redo the past sixty seconds, you as me, me as you.
EB: Aaaaand.... go.
JH (girly): Oh, I probably shouldn't finish this omelette, Jamie. I'm getting fat.
EB: I do not sound like that!