There is a particular mindset - usually unspoken - that is common among certain Christians, usually especially young or especially old Christians, and always those who have lived their whole lives in the church. It goes as follows: "My religion is the source of my morality, therefore if you do not have a comparable religion, you must not actually have any sort of morality."
In many cases, victims of this moral myopia will either accuse atheists of being sociopaths, or accuse them of hypocrisy for not being sociopaths.
There is a similar assumption - common to pretty much all Christian and non-Christian demographics - that the sum total of Christian sexual morality is nothing more and nothing less than "don't do it 'til you're married". Of the two, it's hard to say which assumption is the more simplistic, harmful, and dehumanizing.
So yes, when you combine these two mindsets, it's quite common in certain circles (especially among over-sheltered, over-repressed and over-hormoned teen boys) to inadvertently nurture a smoldering resentment along the lines of "Maaaan, if I wasn't such a good Christ-like person, I could be out there doing drugs and having sex all the time."