What is "prayer", exactly? How do you define it? Is "Good bread, good meat, good God, let's eat" a prayer? Is "om" a prayer? Is the Canadian national anthem a prayer? Is "Oh God... oh God... oh God... OhGodOhGodFasterOhGodDon'tStop OH GOD YES FUCK YES GOD YES YES" a prayer?
(Saturday night, INT: hallway outside EB and JH's apartment, moving to elevator)
NP: It's just hard for me to wrap my mind around. All these years we've known each other, we've been gaming together, and you've been honestly working under the assumption that after I die, I'm going to burn in hell, in pain, forever.
GU: Well, I make no secret about my religion, I just assumed you understood what that meant.
GU: And anyway, if every time we met, I got in your face and yelled that you needed to say magic words to my invisible sky friend, would it have helped anything?
NP: I guess not.
MH: I think it's fundamental respect for your fellow adults, assuming that they can work out their own spirituality or lack thereof for themselves.
(in elevator)
GU: And for what it's worth, I do pray for you guys. I pray for you all the time.
NP: Really?
GU: Really.
NP: Wow. That's actually touching, Gina. I didn't know that. Thank you.
MH: If you like, Nicole, I'd also be happy to mumble to the ceiling about you on a regular basis.
NP: That's somewhat less touching.