I actually wrote "Groucho eyebrows" in the original script for this one. Max is as emotive as she is inappropriate.
Also, in case it isn't clear, Ellen is exaggerating. Max is actually closer to four foot eleven.
(Friday. INT: JH is leaving the bathroom)
EB: You okay?
JH (limping slightly): Yeah, I'll be fine.
MH: Didn't mean to winepress your grapes, dude. You want someone to kiss'em better?
JH: Wow, she doesn't stop, does she?
EB: Yeah, Max thinks she can get away with anything because she's "spunky".
MH: You're damn right I am.
JH: I've never been clear on what the adjective "spunky" is supposed to mean, exactly.
EB: In this context? Three foot one and overly caffeinated.
MH: I think it means I'm full of spunk.
MH (leaning in, Groucho eyebrows): Spunk is another word for semen.
EB (pinching bridge of nose): Yes, thank you, we get it.