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Max is a twenty-four year old woman with the sense of humour of a twelve year old boy.


(Friday. INT: apartment)

JH: Gotta say, I really respect the vegan lifestyle. Just cooking vegetarian is hard enough.
MH: I'm not gonna lie. It's tough. I go through a lot of organic peanut butter.
EB: It's true. She puts peanut butter on everything.
MH: And salsa. I eat a ton of salsa. And tofu.
MH: Ugh. It's like sponges. I have to force myself to choke it down sometimes.
JH: It's a tough balancing act, making sure you get all the right amino acids.
MH: Well, I do have one source of animal protein in my diet, but I personally supervise production to make sure it's guaranteed cruelty-free. Except on S&M Tuesdays, I guess.
MH: I'll give you a hint: it comes out of a dick, and it's not urine.