(Sunday morning, INT: EB and JH's apartment)
JH: So uh... I did want to talk to you about last night's game, actually. Specifically, the final boss battle.
EB: Oh boy, here it comes. You gonna chew me out for minmaxing?
JH: Well, there's minmaxing, and then there's breaking the damn game.
EB: I didn't break the game, the game was already broken. I just used what I saw was an obvious trick to deal a lot of damage. Don't hate the player, et cetera.
JH: Well, granted, in retrospect, we should have put a cap on how many Mayhem points you can use on a single roll, and probably a limit on how far back you can retroactively apply them...
EB: Oh, that wouldn't have helped. There were so many other infinitely exploitable mechanics, like the breakbeat ability to add ticks to a round.
EB: I mean, I hate to say it, but there were some real amateur mistakes in that game system.
JH: Yes, possibly because it was written by amateurs!