A lot of sermons and lectures when I was growing up had to do with the horrifying scourge of "Moral Relativism". We were warned that the secular world was full of dangerous libertines who would assert that there was no certain truth, and therefore no hard-and-fast morality, and therefore, hey, let's all have abortions and gay sex!
Of course, little attention was paid to how we were supposed to interact with the morality, soteriology or Weltanschauung of other denominations of Christianity - they believed what we believed, more or less, and yes, our version was Absolute Truth, but as long as those other guys went to church on Sundays and kept it in their pants until marriage, it was all good in the proverbial hood.
(Sunday afternoon, INT: kitchen, GU's mother's home.)
JH: Millions upon millions of scholars, priests, philosophers, bishops, all of them working on the same essential questions and drawing from the same text, and yet we still have hundreds of completely different beliefs and denominations... not to mention the billions of humans who follow other religions entirely.
GU: And you don't think praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance would lead you to the Truth at all?
JH: Those people were presumably all praying to the Holy Spirit and thought they had a line in. Some of them believed they heard voices and saw miracles. Doesn't seem to have helped them converge at all.
JH: Although, come to think of it, that doesn't mean they didn't have divine guidance. They just might have been guided in different directions. Maybe they heard what they needed to hear to make sense of their lives at the time, the fact that they don't all agree with each other doesn't necessarily invalidate that.
JH: Like... two people are in the street about to get hit by a truck. You tell one to dodge left and the other to dodge right, but both instructions are correct to get the different people to safety.
GU: You'd think it'd be easier to relay divine instructions to whoever's driving the truck...