(Tuesday morning, INT: Capsaicin Lounge kitchen)
GO: Alright, Ames, don't get too comfortable. Right now, you're still the low man on the totem pole, so I'm gonna get you started on some mirepoix.
ChA: Yes chef. Right. Meerpwa. Yes chef.
JH: Would you like me to show you where we keep the carrots, onions and celery you'll be chopping?
ChA: I think I can find the vegetable crisper on my own.
GO: Leave the wunderkind alone, Halligan. I'll get Hong to show her around, right now I need you on fish.
JH: Aye, captain.
GO: I'll run you through our menu and get you some paperwork for you to sign as soon I can get two damn seconds to think, so probably around noon.
ChA: Yes chef.
GO: So welcome aboard, big happy family, et cetera, et cetera.
ChA: Yes chef.
GO: Oh, and for the record, I don't care what kind of fancy formal education you have. If you fuck up in any way shape or form, I'll fire you so hard your grandchildren will be born with my size fourteen bootprints on their asses.
ChA: Yes chef.