"Do I hate [members of demographic] and want them to die? No! No, of course not. God, how terrible that would be, I'd have to be some sort of monster to want that. No, no, I'm just saying, you have to admit, there are many problems that are inherently associated with [demographic], and the world would objectively be a better place if they all, for whatever reason, already happened to be dead. That's totally different."
(Wednesday afternoon, INT: Overdrive Computers, back room)
EB: Seriously, Lily? Seriously? The "World Without Men" bit?
LH: Hey, all Utopias are built around making changes to elements of human nature we currently consider to be fundamental. I wanted a setting with little to no criminal activity, eliminating the genetic condition correlated with ninety percent of all violence seemed like a good start.
EB: So, in this extremely realistic, hard sci-fi setting, based a projected future of our world, at what point, exactly, do we, the nonviolent half of the population, rise up and slaughter our husbands, brothers, and sons? In what year, exactly, does this revolution take place?
EB: Because, y'know, I want to clear my day planner.
LH: Don't be silly. I had a worldwide plague show up some time around twenty-sixty, shortens the lifespan, nixes the uterus. We frantically invented artificial wombs made of stem cells to perpetuate the species, but we couldn't get'em to work with the male hormones. Fast-forward a thousand years, factor in Moore's Law, and the rest of the worldbuilding more or less takes care of itself.
EB: And I'm assuming these wonderful high-tech artificial wombs were all invented in first world countries...
LH: Yes, well, I also wanted an easy way to eliminate poverty.