(Thursday afternoon, INT: SW and WW's living room)
MH: Hollow log... can be used as a floatation device or for the signal fire.
WW: We already have branches for the signal fire.
JH: And the log is a two-hand item and you don't have a backpack, so you'd have to discard your machete.
MH: So screw that, discarding the log. I need some freaking food, I'm sick of only moving 1d6 a turn.
SW: Well, here, I'll pass by you and hand off my rope and my second water, you give me your machete, I'll go get these tokens in the brush.
MH: Alright, that works. Here's the machete... aaand I take a moment to drop to my malnourished knees and suck you off.
SW: Lovely, thank you. Your dedication to the oral arts in the face of certain disaster is highly admirable.
MH: You're very welcome.
MH: Hey, can that mean that I'm not hungry any more?
JH: Did you draw a card that says that?
MH: No.
JH: Then no.