(Saturday. INT: apartment, next day, kitchen)
JH: Morning.
EB: Mmr.
JH: Coffee?
EB: Yes.
EB: Look, Jamie, I just wanted to say, I know Maxine can be a little overwhelming. But she just... she comes at life from another angle, you know? I guess that's why I like hanging out with her so much. The different perspective.
EB: The thing is, I've known people - guys - who never really understood that perspective. I mean, they certainly claimed to, but they wound up just treating her like a whore. She always bounces back from it, of course, but I've seen how that kind of thing can hurt her.
EB: And, Jamie, if you ever use her like that, I will not hesitate to rip your head off and cram it up your ass, you got me?
JH: Well, I guess at least then I'd be able to find my balls.
EB: What?
JH: Nothing.