(Monday afternoon, INT: Overdrive Computers)
EB: So that contempt extends to your players as well, then?
LH: What are you talking about? I left all traces of robot sex out of the game on Saturday.
EB: Oh, quite conspicuously so, yes. I also noticed that the Right to Motherhood resorted to violence almost immediately, instead of being the fanatically nonconfrontational pacifists they were in Splinter of Life.
LH: Well, it was a tabletop game. Turn-based combat is a necessary part of that. Without it, we're just improvising a radio play with the occasional skill check.
LH: I mean, what would the alternative have been? Cancel game in favour of a little TED talk about methods of taxation in your living room?
EB: I think you're focusing too much on the authour/audience dynamic. Our roleplaying games are meant to be a collaborative exercise, not just a performance by the GM with a few interactive elements.
LH: So... that's a yes to the TED talk idea, then.
EB: Only if I can invite my dad to it.