(Tuesday morning, INT: elevator)
JH: Call button's not doing anything?
MH: Yeah, and I've got no signal on my phone.
JH: Really?
MH: It cuts out sometimes in the elevator.
MH: Ooh, there's a wifi network, though. Must be from an apartment near the shaft.
MH: -heh. shaft.-
MH: Any idea what the password would be for "Barbie's Dream Shed"?
JH: I don't really know anything about Barbie. Or sheds, for that matter.
MH: Ha! Got it second guess. "Millicent".
JH: Millicent?
MH: Barbara Millicent Roberts.
JH: Case in point. Did not know that.
MH: Aaaand my battery just died.
JH: Well, in your defense, I'm sure those birds were very angry.