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There is, of course, a very big difference between "crazy" and "CA-RAAAZAY!". To date, Max has demonstrated ample amounts of the latter, but kept the former more or less under wraps. I can understand someone not making the distinction.

Don't be too harsh on Jamie, dear reader. In much the same way that his experiences with sexuality or race are limited, he's also coming from a place of unexamined privilege in regards to neurochemistry. He simply lacks experience.

We'll have that fixed up in a jiffy.

(Tuesday morning, INT: elevator)

JH: What... meds?
MH: Oh, it's a cocktail of things. Gotta change'em out every so often. An anti-psychotic, something to take the "depressive" out of "manic-depressive", a stimulant... My anti-crazy pills.
JH: You take anti-crazy pills?
MH: Yeah.
JH: You? Maxine Hellenberger, you take anti-crazy pills?
MH: Yeah.
JH: I got news for ya - they don't work.
MH: Really? 'Cause it's been four years and counting since the last time I tried to drown myself.
MH: So... how 'bout fuck you? How 'bout that?
JH: Fair enough.