"Hey! Hey, you in the sweatshirt! How much do you weigh?"
"Me? Oh, uh... one seventyish, I think?"
"Perfect. C'mere." *college athlete starts benchpressing Jamie*
(Tuesday afternoon, INT: MH's apartment, living room)
JH: Why can't you just say "I owe ya one" and leave it at that?
MH: I don't want to owe you one.
JH: I have already received benefit for my actions insofar as you are happy and safe. That is what liking people means.
JH: Although, come to think of it... I don't suppose you'd happen to have any men's clothing in my size, do you?
MH: Oh! I totes do! Big guys are always giving me oversized sweatshirts and jackets to remember them by. I've got a bigass hoodie that would be perfect for you.
JH: That works. Gimme that, we'll call it even.
MH: It may not actually be mine to give away, come to think of it. If the silk screening is to be believed, the sweatshirt is property of the university athletic department.
JH: I've always assumed those "property ofs" refer to the person wearing the garment in question.
MH: Mm. Better be careful where you wear it, then, I guess.