Ah, the lame Christian media of my youth. I never got into Adventures in Odyssey - for me, it was all about G.T. and the Halo Express. Of course, unlike Jamie, I watched plenty of normal, secular TV as well - making me the well-rounded individual I am today.
(Saturday. INT: Simon and Wallace's apartment)
WW: No TV at all?
JH: Oh, we had old VHS tapes of Superbook, McGee and Me, Adventures in Odyssey, that kind of thing.
EB: I've never heard of any of those.
JH: Well, these days, it's all about Veggie Tales. You know Veggie Tales?
MH (aghast): No G.I. Joe? No Duck Tales? No He-Man or She-Ra? No Care Bears? No Jem?
JH: You are aware that I was a boy, right?
WW: You totally missed out, man. The eighties were the golden age of cartoons.
JH: See, I really don't think so. I think the golden age of cartoons is whatever you watched when you were a kid. A couple of decades from now, people will have the same nostalgia for Chowder or Adventure Time.
MH (flopped onto the floor, throwing up the horns with both hands): Aw, dude, Adventure Time rocks the motherfucking hizzy.
WW: I guess it also depends on when you decide to end your childhood.