(Thursday afternoon, INT: Capsaicin Lounge kitchen)
ChA: Would it surprise you to learn that, in the entirety of my law enforcement career, I've never shot at another human being?
JH: It would, actually, given that when we first met, you were on probation and not allowed to hold a firearm. Why was that, exactly?
ChA: If you must know, I got mad at a vending machine.
JH: And you shot it?
ChA: ...I was really mad. It was late, my blood sugar was low, it ate my last dollar and didn't give me chips.
JH: And that incident was enough to ban you from holding a gun entirely, huh?
ChA: Well, no, the first time it was just a warning.
JH: Why the hell would you do it a second time?
ChA: The first time I did it, it worked!