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For those of you who don't play D&D and aren't familiar with the social makeup of a gaming group, allow me to assure you that Ellen is being facetious in panel 4, there. The vast majority of GMs do not require you to bow to them in your own home, nor do they have any measure of control over the lifespan of your roommates.


(Saturday. INT: EB and JH's apartment, LH and others are entering)

LH: ...I should be able to get you through the module today, then you can get back to Graywall for a shopping trip.
GU: Good, 'cause I really need to upgrade my armour. Hi, Ellen!
LH: Yes, hello... Ellen, there's a man in your apartment.
EB: Lily, this is Jamie. He's my new roommate. He won't be staying.
LH: Well, he is injured. I approve of that.
(LH eats one of JH's hors d'oeuvres)
LH: The male may live.
EB (bowing): Thank you, Game Master.