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Well, they are hypoallergenic.

(Thursday evening, INT: Overdrive Computers, back room)

GU: Even if Lindsay is attracted to your father because he's rich, I don't think that necessarily means she wants to take that money. If modern romance fiction is any indication, a lot of women are attracted to rich men because they're rich men, even if those rich men don't actually spend that money on them.
LH: Makes sense from an evolutionary psychology perspective. Rich, socially powerful males might not spend on their partners, but would still support their offspring. And even if they don't, success indicates successful genes.
EB: Still shallow, though.
MH: No more so than being attracted to a physical characteristic or a common interest. All attraction is shallow. The crotch wants what it wants.
EB: Yeah, but... would you really hook up with a rich guy if he made you go dutch on every date and you never actually saw a dime of his money? At that point, he's really only rich in theory.
MH: You realize we're not exactly the best representative sample of lady libidos to poll, right? I'd hook up with anything with a pulse and Lily wouldn't touch a dick if it were made of solid gold.
LH: Hey, gold dicks are fine, it's the ones made of meat that cause problems.