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Jeez, is it just me, or is the timescale flexing more and more as we go along? This is the same Thursday as the angry customer storyline. Maybe I should try to hurry through Friday.

(Thursday evening, INT: Overdrive Computers, back room)

EB: Well, I've got this thing done, finally. We should get going if we're gonna get to the movie on time.
GU: Yeah, I think that was more than the twenty minutes you originally said, we should hurry.
LH (still covered in MH): Marvelous idea. If I could walk, I'd be happy to join you.
EB: Lily, repeat after me. "Max, I acknowledge and reciprocate your affection."
LH: Max, I acknowledge and reciprocate your affection.
MH (springing off LH): Awesome. Let's motor.
GU: So we're not having game on Saturday, I assume?
EB: Eh, I think we still could. Wedding's in the morning, I expect to be home no later than five.
MH: Ooh! Ooh! Roleplaying in the scifi Maxniverse!
EB: Max, if you can write as much science fiction between now and six PM Saturday as Lily has in the past ten years, I will happily GM a game for you in my damn bridesmaid dress.
MH: Yaaaasssss.