(Friday night, INT: WW and SW's apartment, living room)
[WW is pensive, staring at his computer screen. The sign-up screen for Kickstarter is visible.]
(INT: GU's bedroom)
[GU is looking at her laptop, equally pensive. The sign-up screen for OkCupid is visible.]
(INT: JH's bedroom)
[JH is looking at his laptop, pensive - and perhaps a little frustrated. The sign-up screen for Facebook is visible.]
(INT: MH's bedroom)
[MH is looking at her tablet. Poorly-formatted fanfic in Courier New is visible.]
[groaned throatily as the half-giant tenderly but forcefuly entered his back passages, filling the boy wizard to his uttermost.
"oh ghods, Hagrid", Harry groaned, as the gentle caretaker began to thrust eagerly into him, "i never imagined...~
"'Ush now, 'Arry" was all Hagrid said, as Professor Snape began to stroke his turgid]