Come on, Jamie, really? It's "agrees with whom".
And yeah, we've pretty much completely lost the original meaning of "irony", but it's hardly Alanis' fault. Hipsters started using it to mean "sarcastic" or "facetious" and it was all downhill from there.
(Saturday morning, EXT: driving, heavy rain is falling)
JH: Ah jeez, it's really coming down.
EB: Yep, rain on your wedding day. Isn't it ironic.
JH: I guess it is pretty ironic, yeah.
JH: I mean, your wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, and rain is usually associated with sadness. The heavens are crying.
EB: Like a free ride that you've already paid for, or good advice from a friend that you find yourself unable to take.
JH: Sure, I guess those are good examples of irony too.
EB: Wow, I think you're pretty much the only person on the planet who agrees with her.
JH: Agrees with who?
EB: Don't ever change, Jamie.
JH: Um... okay. I won't.