(Sunday morning, EXT: street)
unnamed pedestrian: FUCK your gift cards. People are... we're gonna protest this! There's gonna be petitions!
JH: Oh, you mean like the online petitions? The Facebook groups?
unnamed pedestrian: What?
JH: Oh yeah, there's a couple already. Those online petitions are worthless, they filled up with trolls and weird Chinese porn spam almost immediately.
JH: About the only thing Transglobo would listen to would be an actual physical petition, on paper, with people's names and signatures next to their addresses in this immediate area, but good luck getting that on-
unnamed pedestrian: Oh, I think you'll see-
JH: Sir, I really don't think you can-
unnamed pedestrian: Go to hell!
[JH collects himself. He tries not to look too pleased.]
JH (off in another direction): 'Scuse me, ma'am! Dick McQueen for Transglobo Holdings. You got thirty seconds?