I love the feeling you get when you're truly in "the zone". It doesn't matter what you're doing - you're doing it well, you know you're doing it well, and as long as you don't stop to think about how well you're doing, you'll be fine.
(Sunday. INT: apartment. JH is mixing something in a large bowl. Milk, butter, sugar, flour, and various spices are arrayed out on the countertop. His shirt is covered in flour.)
(JH is stirring something in a double boiler. A cut-up pumpkin is visible in the background. JH is visibly sweating.)
(JH is scooping something orange onto a cookie sheet with an ice cream scoop. Nearly a dozen different dirty bowls and pots are stacked up behind him.)
(Sweating and grinning, JH offers EB the final result of all this work - a single golfball-sized cookie.)