(Tuesday afternoon, INT: EB and JH's living room)
MH: Man, this thing is so awesome. I feel like a superhero.
EB: You look like a mannequin.
MH: Screw you, I'm a superhero. I'm superheroic!
[JH is behind them]
EB: Superheroic, huh?
MH: Absolutely. Faster than a tall building, able to leap speeding bullets in a single bound, et cetera, et cetera.
MH: And that's just the standard issue superpowers.
EB: Just the standards, huh?
MH: Yup. I've also got super tastebuds, ink blasts out of my belly button, the ability to talk to crickets...
JH: Everybody can talk to crickets, the trick is getting them to talk back.
MH: Oh, is Jamie here? Jamie! Come check out my zentai suit!
EB: Apparently peripheral vision is not one of your powers in that thing...