Okay, time for a controversial opinion about Superman. Ready? Here we go:
A haiku is not merely an art form - it is a puzzle. It is a challenge to fit what you're trying to say into 5-7-5 as elegantly and naturally as possible. If you write a poem that's 5-7-6, you have not created an ultrahaiku. You have not challenged a stodgy tradition in a bold and innovative way because you're a rebel. You have failed at writing a haiku. Your poem may be beautiful and moving and a wonderful work of art, but it is a nonhaiku, and if you include it in a book with "HAIKU" on the cover, that cover is false advertising.
If you write a story about an alien superhero who - despite having near-infinite godlike powers - is placed into a situation in which he has no choice but to take a human life and then feel really really bad about it, you have failed at writing a Superman story. You aren't a bold and creative rebel who's defying tradition to show a world that's dark and gritty because that's what real life is really like. You are a failed writer who has failed to write a Superman story and your comic with Superman on the cover is false advertising.
Superman has effectively infinite strength and speed, so showing him fistfighting a robot or throwing a mountain into space is boring. Having him lose his powers and struggle to get them back is stupid. That's why they've never made a decent Superman video game - they've all been action adventures.
A Superman story shouldn't be an action adventure - let Batman and the other mortals have those. A Superman story should be a puzzle. Watching Superman thwart evil - without taking a human life or committing a crime or even telling a lie - should be like watching a man use a backhoe to repair a pocketwatch.