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Ah, plot callbacks. Good stuff. (Pinball the hedgehog) (Max's terrible accent)

(Tuesday afternoon, INT: EB and JH's living room)

MH: Seriously. Jamie.
JH: Yeah.
MH: Let's say you still had Pinball.
JH: Okay.
MH: And a masked woman swoops in out of nowhere and offers to blow -among other things- your mind.
JH: Max, you already hit on me all the time, and I think I'm pretty clear about turning you down.
MH: Ah, but you don't know it's me! This masked woman has flowing auburn hair and big padded tits and she's wearing clunky heels so you can't really tell how tall she is!
JH: I think I'd be able to recognize you by your voice.
MH: Ah, but woddif she tokks loik this tha 'ole toim, eh?
MH: Ello, guv'nah, swop us a tiggywinkle fer a shag up the wossname, roight?
JH: I... literally did not understand any of that.
MH: Oh, come on! Cockney! That is a pitch-perfect cockney accent!
EB: I keep telling you, Max, "cockney" and "talking like there's a cock in your mouth" are two different things!