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Yeah, you knew I was eventually gonna reference this again.

(Wednesday night, INT, EB and JH's apartment, on the couch.)

EB (pushing JH away): Ackphht! What the hell?
JH: I'm sorry! I thought you wanted me to-
EB: It is, as I believe I mentioned, the twenty-first century, and the Cary-Grant-grab-the-hysterical-dame-and-kiss-her-to-get-her-to-shut-up routine is ALSO not on the menu!
JH (deflated): Oh Jesus Christ, I'm a piece of shit.
EB: Jamie, you're not a piece of shit, I don't get kissed by pieces of shit. But what were you thinking? JH: I was thinking that I wanted to kiss you!
EB: You wanted to kiss me? That's it?
JH: Yes! Yes, I wanted to kiss you, no ulterior motives or hidden meanings, I was being selfish and greedy and you're really attractive and I like and respect you a lot and I wanted to put my mouth on your mouth and... and...
EB: That simple?
JH: Yes. Yes, that simple.
EB: Mm. Well, do me a favour and remind me I owe Max twenty bucks, okay?
JH: Why w-mmmph!
[EB grabs JH and kisses him]