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Yes indeed, Wallace is a man of many talents, only some of which involve clothing.

And yes, for those of you who haven't been keeping track (or who don't periodically check the comic transcripts at the bottom of the page), it is indeed Friday. So you know what's coming up next, don't you?

(Friday afternoon, INT: SW and WW's apartment)

JH (leaving with garment bag): But yeah, I'll get you your suit and the scrunchie soon.
WW: No rush. Good luck returning that one.
JH: I've still got the receipt, I should be able to get store credit at least.
JH: Keep me posted on Castaway.
WW: I'm probably just gonna hire a high school student to spend a week filling boxes and printing labels.
JH: There ya go, valuable work experience for today's youth. Catch you later!
WW: Later.
[WW stands in silence]
[we see SW hogtied with his own shirt and pants]

SW: Mmmf.
WW: What's that? "I'm sorry for being a brat"?
SW: Sh'not Tooshday.
WW: What's that? "Please leave me tied up for four days"?