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Incidentally, Lord Mandible is also in The Paladin's Guide, and will be the main figure in the fourth book in the series, The Necromancer's Guide To Life, so watch for that.

(Saturday afternoon, INT: EB and JH's apartment, living room)

LH: It seems there's been a rash of attacks along a major trade route, all orchestrated by some necromancer named Valnast "Lord Mandible" Irinak the Deathless.
NP. Hm. Calls himself a "lord", yet engages in petty banditry. Despicable.
LH: There was a particularly brazen attack just two days ago. A caravan was hit and some important nobles were kidnapped. No word of a ransom yet, but they are known to be alive.
GU: Probably doing all manner of foul magical experimentation on their delicate lily white hides.
LH: There's a map of Irinak's likely location, and a promise of ten thousand gold to slay him, with an additional ten thousand if you bring the nobles back in one piece.
MH: Hnngh. And how much if they're in multiple pieces?
LH: Th-that's all the poster says, I swear. Please, can I go home to my family now?
EB: All in good time, my friend, all in good time. First, show us what's written on this map...